"Be like the flower that gives its fragrance to even the hand that crushes it."
Alî ibn Abî Ṭâlib

The Anzal Begum Foundation is created to continue the visionary charity work of the Late Anzal Begum, a mother to Johngir and Babar Saddiq, a grandmother and a successful businesswoman.
1948 - 2008
Anzal's Story
Anzal Begum was the epitome of inspiration. Living with a stigma of being a single mother in the early 70’s, left her to support herself and raise her children by attaining employment in sewing factories to survive.
Deserted by her husband and unsupported by the family, her determination to provide for her children, an ambition to make a difference and a need to break out of the poverty cycle motivated her to work long and difficult hours.
Anzal's continuous struggle motivated other women in similar situations and is still remembered today as an inspirational lady.
Anzal was not only a role model in her time but a trusted and respected lady that others would approach for advice and assistance.
Modesty and humility, a part of Anzal’s upbringing, were shown in her generous attitude to those in poverty.
Her support for the vulnerable and needy was beyond financial needs, from distributing food parcels to the poor to clothing the needy and organising wedding ceremonies for daughter's from poorer family backgrounds.
The legacy continues through The Anzal Begum Foundation, that was set up by Anzal's sons in her memory.
Modesty and humility, a part of Anzal’s upbringing, were shown in her generous attitude to those in poverty ...